Friday, May 15, 2015


After boarding the plane as the Sam, Quinn, Mercedes and Sebastian get seats together:
Sebastian: -Smiles as he sits next to Mercedes, rubbing her hand with their fingers intertwined-
Sam: Okay, so when did this pregnancy happen?
Mercedes: I am 1 week along.
Sam: Congratulations.
Sebastian: And when we heard you were going back, we thought maybe it would be nice for you to have help.

Quinn:  That is sweet of you guys, especially since we are going to have less staff. I am not in because of the twins.
Sam: But luckily, we have a home to go to there.
Mercedes: About that, do you guys think it would be okay to room with you guys for a while?
Quinn: -Turns to see her mom talk to Beth-
Judy: No sweetie, don't touch that.

Sam: Did you guys sell your place?
Mercedes: Renting. Well, we have no place.
Sam: Uhm, we have that rental space Quinn.
Quinn: Oh right, I forgot. There is an appartment next to us we get to use as an income property.  But I  guess it would be different if it were friends.
Sam: Ya, we can give that to them. It is attached to our home and garage. Do you mind?
Mercedes: That sounds much easier for meetings.

Sam: Especially since I can't do them after school.
Mercedes: -Smiles- So we can meet at your place?
Sam: Our new home. We can get you set up there.
Judy: -Looks at them- I thought I was living there.
Sam: There is another one for you Judy. Don't worry, we have it under control.
Judy: -Smiles- Okay.
Sam: -Smiles as he, his friends and his family head home-

Chapter 279

After landing in Lima:
Sam: -Looks at his mom and smiles- Judy, do you think you can take care of Beth? Me and Quinn have the boys.
Quinn: -Smiles at him as she grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers- You have your crutches so me and your mom have all the kids. Please Sam, only until you are in your wheelchair.
Sam: Okay.
Quinn: -Smiles- Okay, you can hold one but just for now. Let me get your crutches.
Sam: Thank you.
Quinn: -Smiles as she gives him the twins-
Sam: Hi babies.

Caleb: -Asleep on his dad's chest-
Ashley: -Not yet asleep-
Sam: I think I might hold Caleb on our way home. I am still shoocked they are just 5 days old and have already been to both Los Angeles and Lima.
Quinn: You mean home. -Reaches for his crutches and then looks at him- Okay, enough with the twins. For now at least-
Sam: -Gets up smiling and then holds on until he has his crutches-
Quinn: Just to let you know, we are taking the bus home. Well, you, me and the twins. Mom, can you drive the car?
Judy: Of course. -Smiles- How about I take Beth at least? I have the seat in there remember?

Qunin: Definatively.
Mercedes: Actually, ride with us. We have room for you.
Quinn: Really? That sounds much better. Right Sam?
Sam: I can't. My wheelchair remember. -Sighs-
Quinn: Right, uhm, it folds up.
Sam: Do you mind if we put it in there?
Sebastian: Of course not. We have a van.

Melissa: -Gets up and looks at her dad- Dad, is Mercedes coming with us too?
Sebastian: Yes, she is. And so are Sam, Quinn, Beth, Caleb and Ashley. You are going to have some brothers and sisters now. -Looks at them- Just go with it.
Sam: -Smiles- It works, I mean they will be together a lot. Does she know how to be with kids.
Sebatian: Very well. Now, we better get going.
Sam: -Smiles as he looks at Quinn and then gets going with her-

Chapter 280

After exiting the plane when Sam and Quinn go to the bagage claim:
Sam: -Already got his wheelchair from the plane staff- I am glad that this didn't get lost.
Quinn: That was expensive.
Sam: But worth it right. This is much easier for me to care for the kids. And this way, I can move easier.
Quinn: Anything to make it easier for you Sam. I promise, things will go okay. Our classes are all on the main floor.

Sue; -Walking by them to go grab her flight to Las Vegas- Ah, look who it is. If it isn't the Evans family?
Quinn: -Looks at Sam- Sam, please don't tell me that bitch Susan Sylvester is behind me.
Sam: Okay, but I would be lying to you.
Quinn: -Turns around to look at her-

Sue: I heard you got pregnant again blondie. I hope it wasn't in that Cheerios uniform I have yet to re-claim from you, Santana and Brittany.
Quinn: What do you mean?
Sue: I am going to see the opening night. They are not using my Cheerios uniforms in their stupid production.
Sam: -Looks at him- Please Quinn, just let her be. I am not starting off my life here again with more problems than we already have with my disability.
Sue: Yes, I wonder how you are going to teach as a disabled man. Talk about a big failure. I mean normally a man is supposed to provide for their family, not cause them to pay thousands of dollars for a chair and have to repay them.
Sam: Actually, this was a gift from Celine Dion.
Quinn: They got it for him when they thought we were staying. They said keep it when we said we were leaving. Please Sue, stop it. He is already having a hard enough time adjusting without your problems. Oh and by the way, you better not terroize our twins. They are not to be threatened.
Sam: -Looks at Quinn- Lets just get going, we have to go home to relax. Not be stressed.
Quinn: Okay. -Sighs as she grabs her husband's hand and then follows him home as they start a new life in Lima-

Chapter 281

After exiting the airport when they are all at the van: 
Sebastian: Hey guys, do you think maybe you would want to have supper together?
Sam: -Rolling next to Quinn- That sounds really nice guys but we are really busy tonight.
Mercedes: Exactly why we are asking. You worry about yourselves and your kids and we will make some supper. Then we can talk about getting back to business.

Quinn: Actually Mercedes, we need a couple days okay? I am going on Maternity Leave and I want Sam to get used to his wheelchair first. Might go visit but that's it.
Sam: Uhm, I actually have to go sign a contract with April.
Mercedes: April?
Sam: April Rhodes, the new principal.
Sebatian: Hey Sam, we really do need to meet though. I mean I am your co-Head Coach.
Sam: Right, I know. Come with me to the meeting tomorrow?

Sebastian: Definatively. I will be your right hand man okay? Listen, can we promise to stick together as a team? We really are alone now because all of the guys are in Las Vegas.
Quinn: I heard before we left they will try and visit for Christmas. I also overheard that Rachel and Jesse might come back for a month when their kid is born.
Mercedes: Okay. Well, listen. How about we just get home first and then we can talk over some nice drinks of water?
Sam: Definatively. -Smiles as he gets up to get in the Van-
Quinn: I have your chair okay Sam?
Sam: Okay. Be gentle.
Quinn: Sebastian, can you help?
Sebastian: Sure. -Goes to help her smiling-
Quinn: -Gets the chair in easily so that they can get home, running over to the side she will sit in the back-
Sam: -Gets in easily-
Mercedes: -Helps Melissa in as her future stepmother before eventually getting in as well so they can go home too-

Chapter 282a

 After arriving at the appartment:
Quinn: -Looks at Sam smiling- Home.
Sam: -Sighs as he looks at her- Yes.
Quinn: Don't worry Sam, it will go okay.
Sebastian: -Already got out to get his chair-
Mercedes: -Smiles at him- Happy to have such a great guy as the father of their future child.
Sebastian: -Gets his chair and then pushes it to his door, opening it- Your wheelchair Sam.
Sam: -Turns to look at it- Thanks Sebastian.
Sebastian: That's what friends are for.
Sam: -Gets out, grabing it before going to sit down, closing the door- I swear, I hate this already.

Quinn: Sam, relax. It is fine. Think of the positives. You are still able to be a great father to your kids.
Sam: One who can't chase them like I always dreamed of. One who was to have attention.
Quinn; -Looks at him and sighs- Sam, we will talk later okay? Right now, you need to go inside and put your kids down for a nap.
Sam: Okay. I will try.
Quinn: Just put them down in the cot. It is still set up in the living room.
Sam: Okay. -Smiles as he goes to grab their kids and then uses his wheelchair to go inside-

Chapter 282b

After watching Sam go inside:
Mercedes: Okay, who was that man and what happened to your husband?
Quinn: -Looks at her and stares- Please, do not say that. He is hurting.
Mercedes: I don't get why. He has everything he wants, a great wife, kids and great friends. What more could he need?
Quinn: He is an athlete at heart Mercedes. He always wanted to work out while I was pregnant the first time but I told him I needed him.
Mercedes: Right and athletes don't like to loose their talents.

Sam: -Overhears them- I haven't lost them! I have just temporarily injured myself!
Mercedes: -Looks at her and sighs- What can we do to help?
Quinn: No mentioning of sports, running after your future kid in the backyard, no more mentioning of really anything he can't do now for a while. Positive all the time.
Sebastian: We can do that. Did you hear that Melissa?

Melissa: Yes dad. Now, can we go inside? I am getting cold.
Quinn: Yes. Can you help me with some bags Melissa?
Melissa: Of course Mrs. Evans -Goes to grab some-
Quinn: -Smiles- Thank you. -Grabs her own bags and starts to go inside-
Sebastian: Oh Quinn, I just thought I would let you know that if you ever did want to go out with Sam soon, just take him out alone, I would be glad to babysit.
Quinn: -Smiles at him- That sounds great. Lets just go eat here for now okay? I think I need to calm my husband down. I bet he is sitting by the window with some tears.

Mercedes: We are going to have to help him a lot.
Quinn: That would be greatly appreciated. Now, let's go inside./
Mercedes: -Smiles as she and her friend to inside together-

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Chapter 283

After letting Sam calm down when Quinn comes to see him:
Quinn: -Walks up behind him and then rubs his shoulders- Are you too sad to talk to your wife?
Sam: -Feels her behind thim and moves the joystick to turn and look at her-
Quinn: -Looks at him and moves to sit on his lap- This comfortable for you?
Sam: -Wraps his arm around her and rubs her leg-
Quinn: -Wraps her arm around his shoulders and lays her head down- Sam, I know you are hurting but you do realize that you are hurting me at the same time. I miss the sund of your voice. We need to talk because Sam, you need me right now. And so do I.
Sam: I don't think I can go that far yet Quinn.
Quinn: -Chuckles and leans in to kiss his neck- I mean for support. Sam, I love you and you are a great husband and father. That will never change.

Sam: -Sighs- Shouldn't you be taing care of the kids?
Quinn: I already put them down for a nap. Now, what I want you to do is come to our room and hold me in bed. Then you can help me feed them after.
Sam: I guess I can still do that.
Quinn: Lets go to bed, I want you to relax in bed and I can just lay down in your arms as I give you comfort and we talk.
Sam: That sounds nice.
Quinn: Do you remember the way?
Sam: Yes. -Grabs the joystick smiling as he goes to their room-
Quinn: -Smiles after cheering him up a bit-

Chapter 284

After arriving in their room:
Quinn: -Smiles as they roll up next to their bed, in the midst of kissing his neck-
Sam: -Smiles- Now I like those kisses.
Quinn: How about you just get us in bed?
Sam: Shouldn't you be resting after giving birth to the twins.
Quinn: Yes, but you need me.
Sam: -Smiles at her- I think maybe we might need to talk to our friends.
Quinn: Yes.

Sam: Get in bed first. I will be right in.
Quinn: -Smiles as she gets in bed, looking at Sam- Slowly.
Sam: -Gets up slowly before moving into bed with her-
Quinn: -Smiles at him- You got it sweetie.
Sam: -Moves close to her smiling and then tugs her into his arms-
Quinn: -Slips her legs in between his and then rubs his chest-

Sam: I definatively did get it. I got the perfect woman to be my wife and the mother of my children.
Quinn: -Smiles at him and grabs his shirt before leaning up to kiss him softly- I love you.
Sam: -Wraps his arm around her as he holds her close- I love you too Quinn. -Kisses her smiling- And I know with your help, I can do this. Be your husband and use a wheelchair.
Quinn: -Kisses him softly- Luckily, you get a month to get used to it.
Sam: I do?
Quinn: Yes. I talked to the school board, they are letting you wait until the new year.
Sam: How was I so dang lucky?
Quinn: -Smiles as she kisses him softly, rubbing his chest-
Sam: -Smiles as he rubs her arm while they share a very passionate kiss in bed-

Vegas Calling Part 1

While they are in the midst of their kiss:
Sam: -Rubs Quinn's arm as he kisses her slowly-
Quinn: -Runs her hand up his shirt smiling until she hears their phone ring-
Sam: -Looks at her and breaks the kiss- I really don't want to answer.
Quinn: At least check who it is.
Sam: -Sighs as he reaches in his pocket for his cell phone-
Quinn: -Cuddles up to him smiling-
Sam: Oh, it's the Vegas crew.
Quinn: See, pick up. -Smiles-
Sam: -Answers the phone and puts it on speaker- Hey guys, you are on speaker with me and Quinn.

Mercedes: We are on conference call Sam.
Quinn: Okay Mercedes. Hi everybody.
Will: Hey guys, how was the flight?
Quinn: Stressful. Not only because of the twins and Beth but someone's constant worry.
Sam: Okay, not here.
Mercedes: Ya and keep it down in there guys. We can hear you in the appartment next door.
Sebastian: -Chuckles-

Will: Okay, relax guys. We just wanted to know how your flight went.
Celine: Did the chair make it there in one piece?
Sam: -Chuckles- Yes, we are fine Celine. Thanks for asking. The chair is fine. I am taking a month to get used to it. And luckily I am going to have some great help. -Leans down and kisses Quinn softly before kissing her head-
Quinn: -Smiles as she lays her head down-
Will: We just wanted to let you know that instead of you flying out here for Christmas, we will come back there.

Rachel: Plus, I need to come back for the baby. We have decided to wait. Maybe while we do that you guys can recover with us and we can maybe someday go back to Vegas together?
Sam: I am not really thinking about that.
Celine: I just wanted to let you know, you will always be welcomed right back into the act. I think what you both need is time and we understand here in Vegas. But please, come back.
Quinn: We might need a couple years Celine.
Celine: At least during the summer come back. Relax here with your friends and don't be lonely.
Sam: I like that idea. Maybe what I need Quinn is just a few months here at home and then we can go join them in Vegas again for the next school year.  What do you think?
Quinn: -Smiles-

Mercedes: Or you guys can wait for us to go back.
Quinn: Actually, that sounds better. You are going to be out for a good 2 years right Mercedes?
Will: Why is that Mercedes?
Sam: -Chuckles-
Mercedes: Thanks for ruining our surprise for Christmas Quinn and Sam.

Vegas Calling Part 2

Sebastian: Ya, thanks alot Sam but I guess now we have to mention it.
Celine: What is it Mercedes?
Mercedes: -Smiles- Okay, first news. Me and Sebastian are engaged.
Sebastian: -Smiles at Mercedes as he sits next to her in the living room-
Will: Oh my god, congratulations.
Sebastian: And now we also lied on why we left Vegas, saying it was because of Melissa.

Blaine: Not following Sebastian.
Mercedes: I'm pregnant.
Kurt: Oh my god, congratulations Mercedes!
Sam: Oh, by the way guys, we might want to warn them about you know who coming.
Mercedes: Oh yes. That is right, she is going.

Celine: Who is coming?
Will: Please don't tell me....
Will, Sam and Mercedes at the same time: Sue is coming.
Will: Oh my god, this is horrible.

Mercedes: She doesn't know where you are staying luckily.
Celine: Should I be worried?
Sam: No. But she did ask for Quinn's uniform back. She doesn't want them in the Vegas show. So watch out.
Rachel: Okay, I better watch out where I am going then because I am due soon.
Jesse: 1 month! Change in timeline alert!

Rachel: Oh, just to let you all know, me and Jesse will be coming back to Lima soon. Celine knows already.
Celine: Can you all come back at the same time then? Please, we need you for the plot line. Until then though, we are delaying the show and continuing with mine.
Sam: What did the show company say?
Celine: I have extended my tenure to 2022 or until you guys are fully ready to take over with me for at least 2 years.
Mercedes: Okay.
Quinn: -Looks at Sam- I think we can do that Sam.
Sam: -Looks at Quinn- Do you mean it?
Quinn: The kids will be older and it will be easier. So, why not?
Sam: -Smiles- You will have to adjust the show to wheelchair though.

Artie: -On his cell phone on a plane- Oh Sam, I just wanted to let you know that we will be working together soon again.
Will: Right, I forgot to tell you Artie left too.

Vegas Calling Part 3

Sam: He did?
Artie: I am on the plane right now. We just took off. Maybe we can meet up Sam. I can help you learn how to operate around the school and I am going to help in Glee. It is already all set up.
Sam: I wasn't planning to go back right away though so...
Artie: You don't have to go back to work right away. Just come and watch, be an advisor. Get used to the class in your wheelchair.

Quinn: That sounds nice.
Sam: Hey Artie, how long until your flight arrives?
Artie: An hour, why?
Quinn: -Looks at Sam- Ya, why?
Sam: I think I might go out with him. At least if that is okay. I think maybe it would help me Quinn.

Quinn: Just for supper okay? You are still learning.
Artie: I can meet you at your place okay? I know where you live.
Quinn: -Smiles- That sounds great Artie.
Sam: I will see you then. Thanks for doing this.
Artie: Hey, friends first. I am having my bags delivered at home anyways.

Sam: Actually, maybe we should hang ou here because that way I can still help with the twins.
Artie: Definatively, I wouldn't mind helping there too. That is where I think you will need the most help because you need to adjust to it.
Sam: Definatively. Thanks again Artie. -About to continue when he hears their kids cry- And there is the alarm, I have to go guys.
Everybody: Bye guys.

Artie: See you soon Sam.
Sam: Bye Artie, see you soon. -Smiles as he hangs upp, happy his friend is coming to help him.

Chapter 286

After hanging up with their friends:
Sam: -Smiles as he looks at Quinn, seeing her get up-
Quinn: I think some thanks are in order.
Sam: What are you talking about?
Quinn: Uhm, you see, I actually called Artie and asked for help.
Sam: Really? When?

Quinn: While I was letting you calm down, I knew it was time to call for help. Sam, I know this sounds a little selfish but I was worried this would come between us.
Sam: -Looks at her and sits up- Come here.
Quinn: -Walks over to him and sits beside him-
Sam: -Grabs her hand- Never, in my entire life would I let it get in between our happiness. We have fought too hard to get to where we are. I am sorry for being so grumpy but, something just came to me.

Quinn: Really, what's that?
Sam: As long as I have you, the twins and Beth, I could be laying here for the rest of my life. Or anywhere. Quinn, you are my life now.
Quinn: -Smiles- I love you Sam.
Sam: I love you too Quinn. -Looks into her eyes before grabbing her hand and leaning in to kiss her softly-
Quinn: Listen, maybe around the house you can use your crutches okay? That way we can still sit together.

Sam: I want to carry my kids though.
Quinn: Okay. -Smiles at him- As long as you can get in and out easily.
Sam: I think maybe for now though, the kids should sleep in here and our friends should hang out in here with us. I am not getting in and out of my chair 24/7 all the time. At least, not until I can get a walker or something with braces.
Quinn: Okay. But listen, you stay here and I will get us some lunch. I will grab you the twins.
Sam: -Smiles at her when he hears the door-
Quinn: -Looks at him- I wonder if that is Artie. (Wanted to fastforward the plane trip. Needed something!)
Sam: I am coming out then. I want to talk to him.
Quinn: -Smiles- Okay. I will get the door.
Sam: -Smiles as he kisses her softly and then lets her go-
Quinn: Here, let me help you in your wheelchair first.
Sam: -Gets up and then gets in easily- I got it.
Quinn: -Smiles at him and then goes to get the door-
Sam: -Smiles as he sets himself up in his wheelchair before going to see Artie-

Chapter 287

After getting out of their room when Sam comes to the door:
Artie: -Looks at Quinn- Don't worry, what he is going through is definatively normaly right now. He just needs to get used to the fact that this is how he has to live now. He just has to see that he can live this way.
Quinn: I hope it works. He is really stressed out and I really need him now yet on the other hand, I know he needs me. It's just the twins.
Artie: Why don't you let me worry about the handicapped stuff and you just worry about your kids? He can get help through me.
Sam: -Rolls up next to Quinn- Maybe you can make it a team effort. -Smiles- Glad to have you here Artie.
Artie: Hey, friends first. I wasn't going to let you hurt here. We all agreed back in Vegas you needed help here and I was really the only one who could 100% offer it. At least, when it comes to the wheelchair.
Quinn: -Smiles- How about you and Artie go out for a while Sam? My mom is here and so are Mercedes and Sebastian. Go talk to Artie and just take a stroll.
Sam: I'd like that.
Artie: -Smiles as he backs up- Then lets get going.
Sam: I have my phone okay, call me in any emergency.
Quinn; Deal.
Sam: -Smiles as he moves forward, going out to suppper with Artie-
Artie: -Smiles as he and his friend leave to go hang out for a while-

Chapter 288

Meanwhile in the appartment with Sebastian:
Sebastian: -In the midst of unpacking for his daughter when he hears Mercedes walk in behind him-
Mercedes: Are you mad that I announced the pregnancy that way or did you want to wait for Christmas?
Sebastian: -Turns around to look at her smiling- I am okay with now. Anyways, it was bound to get out eventually.
Mercedes: -Smiles-
Sebastian: Listen, I think maybe I should talk to Sam about coming back to Glee so soon. He wants to but I am sure me and Artie can deal with it if he is back.
Mercedes: Why are we talking about school right now?

Sebastian: Uhm, I am going back tomorrow. That's why.
Mercedes: You are?
Sebastian: Just for Glee club. April needs me because right now, she is also Principal and they are not getting very much practice. They are doing solo practice with Skylar Olivier, the other coach. I am also going to meet with him right now.
Mercedes: Okay. Just promise to be back for supper.
Sebastian: I promise.
Mercedes: -Smiles as she kisses him softly- Okay.
Sebastian: -Smiles as he lets her go before grabbing his keys to head into work-

Mercedes: -Smiles as she watches him leave-
Sebastian: -Smiles on his way back to Dalton-McKinley, grabbing his blazer as his coat-

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Chapter 289

After arriving at Dalton-McKinley:
Sebastian: -Parks his car for the first time after Vegas smiling-
Students: -Sitting outside on their lunch as they talk amongst themselves-
Sebastian: -Smiles as he gets out before deciding against his blazer to go inside-

After walking for a bit when Sebastian comes upon someone singing:
Student: -Singing Live While We're Young by One Direction-
Hey girl I'm waiting on ya, I'm waiting on ya
Come on and let me sneak you out
And have a celebration, a celebration
The music up, the windows down

Sebastian: -Overhears her as he walks by before starting to sing along-
Yeah, we'll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool and we know it too (know it too)
Yeah, we'll keep doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool, so tonight

Student: -Looks up at him and sings with him in a duet-
Sebastian: Sorry, I just remember singing that song when I was in Glee.
Student: Really? You were in Glee?
Sebastian: Yes, I was in the Warblers when they were still at Dalton. What's you name by the way?

Michael: My name is Michael Rodriguez.
Sebastian: Well Michael, my name is Sebastian and I am one of the coaches here in the Glee club. Why don't you come and try out tomorrow?
Michael: Uhm, I don't know.
Sebastian: Want to practice a bit before? Because I can help.
Michael: No, my mom is about to be here.
Sebastian: Okay. But think about it and talk to me tomorrow maybe. You should do it.
Michael: -Smiles at him- Thanks.
Sebastian: Now, I have to go, meeting with Mrs. Rhodes.
Michael: Okay.
Sebastian: -Smiles as he gets up, running to go for his meeting-

Chapter 290

After talking to Michael when Sebastian walks into the office:
Sebastian: -Walks in to talk to Janice (Secretary)- Hi Janice.
Janice: -Looks up to see Sebastian- Sebastian, I thought you were in Vegas?
Sebastian: I was. Change of plans with my daughter and more complications.
Janice: Okay. Uhm, how can I help?
Sebastian: I have a meeting with Mrs. Rhodes actually.

Janice: Actually, she is hosting a meeting of the Glee club right now.
Sebastian: Oh, think I can go? I used to teach there anyways.
Janice: Of course.
Sebastian: -Smiles as he continues on in the school to go to the Choir Room-

Rather Be Here than Vegas

After finding the Glee Room when Sebastian walks in:
Sebastian: -Walks in smiling to hear the club performing-

Oh, oh
Woah, yeah

We're a thousand miles from comfort
We have traveled land and sea
But as long as you are with me
There's no place I'd rather be

Kitty with New Directions:
I would wait forever
Exalted in the scene
As long as I am with you
My heart continues to beat

Sebastian: -Smiles as he watches them before deciding to join in-
With every step we take
Kyoto to The Bay
Strolling so casually
We're different and the same
Get you another name
Switch up the batteries

April: -Turns around when she hears a different voice before looking at Sebastian- Hi, uhm, can I help you.
Mason: Hey Sebastian.
April: Uhm, how do you know him guys?
Sebastian: I am the coach that is returning. Well, one of them. Do you remember talk to Will about it?
April: Oh right, I did hear that.
Jake: Wait, coming back?

Plot Change Alert

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I am changing the plot a bit from a previous Chapter. Instead of Jake having supported the group, he will have betrayed them and helped Puck before he got arrested. He got sent home to Lima. And now he is back in the Glee club (for now).

First Matters of Business: The Removal of Jake Puckerman as a Member Part 1

When Sebastian hears Jake:
Sebastian: -Looks at Jake- What are you doing here?
April: What is happening here?
Jake: I am a member of the New Directions. Is that wrong?
Sebastian: April, can I talk to you about something quick?
April: Sure, what's wrong?

Sebastian: Okay, do you think I can assume my coaching duties right now quick because I have to do something before this production continues.
April: What do you mean? And of course, you have already been appointed one of the new coaches.
Sebastian: Good. -Walks over in front of the students- Hello Students, I am glad to announce my return from Las Vegas and back into your class as the teacher and co-Head of Glee.
Students: -Clap smiling-

Sebastian: Returning with me is my daughter and your former coach Sam. But I want to tell you, his return will be delayed for a certain reason which shall be explained after I do something else quickly.
April: I am so lost right now.
Sebastian: Jake Puckerman, front and center.
Jake: -Smirks as he gets up- What can you do here Sebastian? I am protected by law here.

Sebastian: This. First, please hand in your Warbler Jacket.
Jake: Why?
Sebastian: Are you disobeying your coach whom has given you the chance?
Jake: -Looks at him and crosses his arms-
Sebastian: Give it to me.
April: -Watches him confused-
Jake: -Takes it off to humour him and gives it to him-

The Removal of Jake Puckerman as a Member Part 2

Sebastian: Now, get that smirk off your face and look at your coach. Mr. Puckerman, you are hereby expelled from the Glee Club and forever banned after the troubles you have caused your coaches.
April: Okay, now what is happening. Tell me before you go any farther.
Sebastian: April, this has to be done. I am about to explain why. Listen up students, I know I just got here but I have some special rules that I need to set up first and for most right away. April, this is important so just humour me.
April: Take over, you are in charge of the club now, I am just watching. -Goes to sit down in a chair-

Sebastian: Thank you. -Looks at Jake- Go stand in the center of the classroom and look at your fellow club members as I tell you the reasons for your departure and warn the others of the repurcutions.
Club Members: -Scared as they do not recognize him anymore-
Sebastian: -Walks up to the chairs and then turns around, sitting down- Mr. Puckerman, I remember seeing you just about a week ago in Las Vegas, isn't that correct?
Jake: Yes, I was there to hang out with you guys.
Sebastian: -Looks at his students- You are not to believe anything he says okay? Here is the real story because I was there. This man here is a traitor to the entire former coaching staff. He was a co-conspirator in a plot that destroyed lives.

Myron: -Looks at his coach- How so?
Sebastian: Your quote, unquote friend and faithful teammate here betrayed his coaches' trust when they invited him to go to Vegas and perform in the show. The coaches I am speaking about are Mr. and Mrs. Evans. They are on leave right now as Mr. Evans has now been permanently paralyzed thanks to him.
Jake: I did no such thing!
Sebastian: -Smirks- Okay, who here has their iPad?

Myron: I do sir.
Sebastian: Can I borrow it for a moment Myron?
Myron: Of course.
Sebastian: -Grabs it smiling and then goes to call the Evans-

The Removal of Jake Puckerman as Member: Testimony from Mr. Evans Himself

When Sam answers the FaceTime:
Sebastian: Hey Sam, I am at school.
Sam: Oh hey, what's up?
Sebastian: Listen, I am going to put you on the board with the webcam okay? Talk to the entire club.
Sam: Okay?
Sebastian: -Smiles as he puts the FaceTime on the screen- Students, here is your other coach, coming to you from his home here in Lima.
Sam: -Sitting in his wheelchair- Hi guys! -Smiles-

Sebastian: Sam, you are currently joining in on a trial on Mr. Jake Puckerman's banning from Glee Club as both a member and competitions.
Sam: Sorry, did you just say that he is back in Glee Club?
Sebastian: Not for long. Just listen. Students, this is the new version of Mr. Evans you will need to get used to. Show yourself Sam.
Sam: -Sighs as he looks at Quinn-
Quinn: -Sitting next to him in the recliner and grabs the phone, revealing his wheelchair-

Sebastian: Thanks to Mr. Jake Puckerman and his brother, your coach has been paralyzed and will never walk again.
Sam: -Looks at him and tears up-
Quinn: Sebastian, was this really necessary?
Sebastian: I needed evidence for his trial. Now, if I recall we had a rule of one for all. This means, no turning on each other and always respecting and being faithful to your coaches. Jake Puckerman, you are hereby charged, according to the Constitution of the Dalton-McKinley Academy for the Performing Arts New Directions Glee Club, on the charges of betrayal, attacking a coach and causing him harm. How do you plead?
Jake: Not Guilty.

The Removal of Jake Puckerman as Member Part 4

Sam: -Looks at the screen and then yells- Mr. Puckerman, please look at me in the eyes.
Jake: -Looks at him-
Sam: How do you plead Mr. Puckerman?
Jake: -Gulps- Guilty.
Sam: -Glares at him- Thank you.

Sebastian: -Smiles at Skylar as he looks at his co-Head Coach as he sits next to him-
Skylar: -Whispers to him- Is it true?
Sebastian: -Whispers- Yes. He is banned okay? No more chances. Its part of the constitution.
Skylar: Okay, I will vote with you and Sam.

Sebastian: -Smirks- Mr. Puckerman, these offences come with a charge of not only expulsion from the club for the year but a ban restricting you from trying out for Glee again and attending any performances. -Looks at Sam and Skylar as they all nod to each other- By a unanimous vote of 3-0, you are hereby banned from any future try outs for Glee Club, you are kicked out of the club for the year and are banned from entiring any venue in which a competition is hosted. Is that understood?
Jake: -Looks at Sam- Puck will get his girl back! I am warning you Sam!.
Sam: -Grabs Quinn's hand and intertwines their fingers- Well, she is my wife now so that is going to be hard. Uhm, I will call you when we come back okay April?
April: Definatively. Take your time to recover.
Sam: Thank you. Talk soon guys!.

Sebastian: -Smiles as he hangs up before looking at April- April, can you please lead Mr. Puckerman out of the classroom? He is not to come near our practices anymore as he is no longer a member.
April: Of course. -Gets up- Come with me Mr. Puckerman.
Sebastian: -Gets up smirking after her before turning to look at his students-

The Removal of Jake Puckerman Part 5/New Rules Part 1

Once Jake has left:
Sebastian: -Gives Myron his tablet back- Thank you again Myron. -Gets up smiling- Okay, maybe first we should get some talking done before we get back to business.
Skylar: How about you take over for now Sebastian? Seem like you are ready.
Sebastian: Definatively. Okay students, now that I have returned, I want to let you know that me and Skylar will be your coaches for the remainder of the year as our friends have stayed in Las Vegas to do a show with Celine Dion.

Jane: Wow!
Mason: That is amazing.
Sebastian: Except Jesse and Rachel. Mr. St. James will be returning second semester after their son's birth later this year.
Jane: Congratulations to them!
Sebastian: Yes. Now, I am glad to have heard we have won both of the competitions so far this year. Guys, we are going to the State Finals!

Jane: Wow.
Sebastian: They will once again be against the Falconers however as Vocal Adrenaline have been eliminated for good this year.
Madison: Good. Okay, so that means more practice.
Sebastian: Exactly. But first, we have to set some new rules.
Mason: Uhm, what do you mean Sebastian?

New Rules Part 2

Mason: Uhm, what do you mean Sebastian?
Sebastian: -Smiles at Mason- And that is the exact question I was waiting to be asked. So here is the answer. From this day forward, you are to follow these rules or else you do not deserve to wear these blazers that are reserved for members of the New Directions.
Spencer: Can you just get to the new rules already?

Sebastian: Okay. So here they are. First and for most, I expect you all to respect your coaches and each other equally and completely. That one is easy to understand and do because it is natural. The next one though is the one that Jake just disobeyed. The rule which will keep you on the team. You have to promise us that you will follow our constitution. It is in place for a reason but when it comes to attacking your coaches, that is betrayal and it will not be tolerated. Your coaches are the ones who keep the Glee Club afloat. If you want to be here, you need to keep our respect or you will be gone. You will not deprive others of their chance to be on the team but you will deprive yourself of the chance. Now, are we all okay with this?
Students: Yes Mr. Smythe.
Sebastian: Good. Now, we have some practicing to do right? The setlist for our next competition against the Falconers should be on your tablet. This competition is really just a formality as we have already qualified for our Conference Round. Remember, each performance is do or die.

Spencer: -Looks at his friends- Ya, no pressure there. (Under his breath).
Sebastian: -Looks at Spencer- Mr. Porter, do you have something to share with the entire team?
Spencer: -Looks at his coach- Uhm, no sir.

Next Competition

Skylar: Spencer, please stop talking and allow Sebastian to tell us the setlist we are doing. -Gets up and then goes to stand next to him- You have decided already right?
Sebastian: I have. This has been chosen months in advance so we can change it if another club picks our songs. Okay, the songs we are doing are Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift and America from the musical West Side Story.
Skylar: Okay, girls. We want you to work on...

Michael: -Walks into the practice- Sorry, am I too late?

Skylar: -Turns around to see another student-
Sebastian: Perfect timing Michael. Glad to see you came to try out.
Skylar: Try out?
Sebastian: We need more members. I heard him sing. He is good.
Skylar: Okay. Uhm, you want him to try out today?
Sebastian: Only if he is ready.

Michael: Can I get your help with that song I was doing outside? I uhm, like the way you dueted with me.
Sebastian: Sure, how about you go get set up and then we can do it.
Michael: -Smiles as he prepares to sing the song he wants to audition with-

Audition: Live While We're Young

After getting ready to audition as Michael looks at Sebastian:
Sebastian: I'll help you. One, two, three...go.

Hey girl I'm waiting on ya, I'm waiting on ya
Come on and let me sneak you out
And have a celebration, a celebration
The music up, the windows down

Yeah, we'll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool and we know it too (know it too)

Melissa (as she walks in) and Sebastian:
Yeah, we'll keep doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool, so tonight

Sebastian: -Turns around to see his daughter smiling-

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy 'till we see the sun
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love

And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some and live while we're young

Michael (confused as he turns around) and Melissa:
Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (and live while we're young)
Tonight let's get some

And live while we're young

Michael: Uhm, I thought it was a solo audition with you Mr. Smythe.
Sebastian: Sorry, my daughter just loves them. -Walks over to the door- What are you doing here sweetie? -Lets her in smiling-
Mercedes: -Standing behind her- She was bored, knew you were here.
Sebastian: -Didn't see Mercedes and smiles when he finally does- Uhm, Melissa, how about you go inside and say hi to your friends again? I need to talk to Mercedes quick.
Melissa: Okay. -Runs inside smiling-

Chapter 296

When Melissa is in the classroom:
Mercedes: -Smiles at him as she grabs his hand-
Sebastian: -Smiles- I thought you were unpacking and then resting because uhm, you know.
Mercedes: I was getting bored and right now, all Melissa wants to do is go see the Evans' twins and say hi. I have been trying to say no but it is hard. So....
Sebastian; You brought her here to make it less stressful. Got it. I will talk to her okay? I told he rnot to put stress on you. Actually, let me get her.
Mercedes: Not here Sebastian.
Sebastian: I wasn't bringing her today for a reason, I wanted to make sure everything was calm before she came back. Plus, I am treating this as a reward for her. I am scared to let her compete so we both get our ways. She has to be good or else no competing.

Mercedes: So that is how you discipline her. I wondered why she wasn't ever in trouble at home.
Sebastian: Because she is scared I will do good on my threat. ANd now I have to. Listen, you just relax as we watch the practice and then after, before we leave, we will talk to her okay?
Mercedes: Such a good father.
Sebastian: -Smiles as he leans in and kisses her softly- I love you.
Mercedes: I love you too. -Smiles before walking into the class with him-

Chapte 297a

After the practice when the Smythe family are the only ones left:
Melissa: -About to leave because she thinks her dad is getting up-
Sebastian: Melissa Smythe, sit back down please.
Melissa: -Looks at her dad- Okay? -Goes to sit down-
Sebastian: -Walks out of the office before sitting down next to her- So, were you a good girl for Mercedes before you came today?
Melissa: Always daddy.

Sebastian: That is not what I heard from Mercedes. What did I tell you not to do Melissa. Do you remember?
Melissa: I just asked to go see the twins.
Sebastian: And what did Mercedes say?
Melissa: No but...
Sebastian: There are no buts Melissa. I told you, she does not need stress right now because she is pregnant remember?
Melissa: Yes.

Sebastian: And do you remember what I told you when you first joined the glee club?
Melissa: Dad, please, I like it here.
Sebastian: Melissa, I told you twice.. The deal was, you perform with us if you behave. You did 2 bad things just in one day. That is not part of our deal.
Melissa: -Looks down-
Sebastian: Look at me sweetie.

Melissa: -Looks at her dad-
Sebastian: I am not mean okay? Here is the deal. You can still come to practice but, you are not in the competition in a couple weeks. Got it. I am saying that both as your dad and your coach.
Melissa: But...
Sebastian: There are no buts. Because the next thing I am coming after are your stuffed animals.
Melissa: You wouldn't dare.
Sebastian: Melissa, please. If you just listen to me now, I might change my mind. But right now, you did exactly what I told you not to do the same day I said it. Sweetie, I get you like the twins but do you remember what happened to Mr. Evans?
Melissa: Ya, he got a wheelchair. Big deal.
Sebastian: Sweetie, it is not just that. He can't walk anymore. Like, never. Do you remember your other coach? Mr. Abrams or Artie?

Chapter 297b

Melissa: Yes, the guy in the wheelchair with glasses.
Sebastian: Sweetie, Sam is just like him now. He can't walk.
Melissa: Oh.
Sebastian: That is why it is so stressful in the house right now. Promise me you will just calm down and let them get used to it.
Melissa: Of course.
Sebastian: Now, if Mrs. Evans/Quinn is in the living room alone with Beth, maybe you can but not around Mr. Evans/Sam okay?
Melissa: Okay.

Sebastian: Good. Now how about we got home for supper since I heard you guys made me something nice.
Mercedes: -Looks at him- How did you know?
Sebastian: -Smiles and turns to look at her- So it is true.
Mercedes: Dang. I really need to shut up sometimes.
Sebastian: -Chuckles as he gets up and then looks at the woman in his life- C'mon, lets get going. We need to head home so that we can eat some supper together as a family.

Mercedes: -Smiles as she walks over to him- And maybe tonight I can talk to you about something.
Sebastian: -Smiles- And what would that be?
Mercedes: Something that we need to talk about but Melissa doesn't need to worry about.
Sebastian: Okay. -Smiles at her and then kisses her softly- Lets get going though. -Grabs her hand and intertwines their fingers before looking at Melissa, taking his family home-

Chapter 298

Meanwhile, back at home with Sam:
Sam: -Rolls into the house after hanging out with Artie-
Quinn: -Currently in the bedroom with Beth reading to her-
Sam: -Rolls right into the bedroom when he sees Beth-
Beth: -Looks at him smiling before pointing at him- Dada.
Quinn: -Confused as she reads to her before turning her head to see Sam smiling- Have a good time with Artie?

Sam: Ya, it really helped me.
Quinn: How?
Sam: It gave me a new perspective on this.
Quinn: -Smiles- Listen, how about you get in bed and then you can just relax here with me? I was about to put Beth down for a nap.
Sam: -Smiles- That sounds nice. Especially since I like the idea of sitting in bed right now.
Quinn: -Smiles- Get in and I will be be right back. -Gets up smiling, carrying Beth to bed-

Sam: -Smiles as he gets out of his chair slowly, moving into bed before deciding to tease Quinn by taking off his shirt, ready to hold his wife close in their bed-
Quinn: -Goes to put Beth in her crib quietly so that she doesn't wake Caleb and Ashley-

Chapter 299

After putting Beth in her crib and checking on the boys:
Quinn: -Comes out to bed smiling to see Sam-
Sam: -Smiles as he lays down in bed, waiting for her-
Quinn: -Walks over to their bed smiling before moving to get in bed with her husband-
Sam: -Smiles as he tugs her into his arms before grabbing her hand-
Quinn: -Grabs his neck instead and turns his head- I love you Sam.
Sam: I love you too. -Kisses her smiling as he rubs her arm-
Quinn: -Pulls away and then wraps her arms around his neck smiling-
Sam: -Grabs her waist and cuddles up to her-
Quinn: -Smiles as she cuddles up to her husband-
Sam: I am sorry about how stressed I have been lately. It's just.

Quinn: -Grabs his neck and pulls away, looking into his eyes- I understand Sam, just relax because I forgive you.
Sam: -Smiles as he looks into her eyes-
Quinn: -Rubs his chest with the back of her hand before kissing him gently- Nothing can ever change the love I feel for you Sam.
Sam: -Smiles as he rubs her leg softly, kissing her again-
Quinn: -Smiles as she rubs his chest and kisses her husband slowly in bed that afternoon after putting their kids down for a nap-
Sam: -Kisses her slowly just gets lost in the kiss as he and Quinn relax in their bed together-

Chapter 300

After a nice long kiss with Quinn as Sam just holds her in his arms:
Sam: -Laying down next to Quinn in bed as he holds her against his chest smiling-
Quinn: -Slips her legs in between his and rubs his chest smiling-
Sam: You know, during my conversation, I swore, many things came up that I never even thought of.
Quinn: Well, I am glad you can have a friend like Artie to turn to now. It must really help you.
Sam: -Rubs her arm smiling and then leans down to kiss her- It really did.
Quinn: -Smiles at him- I am glad he can do that for you.

Quinn's POV: Great, talk about a failure to be a good supportive wife. I wasn't even the one who made him feel the way he is. I mean he should be taking about us right now after being so sexual.

Sam: -Smiles at her before kissing her head- Me too but what I am especially happy about is the fact that I have an even bigger support team that I thought. I especially admire the team captain.
Quinn: Who is that? -Starting to get a little nervous but hopes he says her-
Sam: -Looks into Quinn's eyes before grabbing her butt and leaning down to kiss her- My loving wife. -Smiles- Quinn, I know coming back here was hard for you and you have a lot of stress on you right now and for that, not only do I thank you but I wanted to tell you that when I am truly all set up here, I will repay you with great suppers and more stuff.
Quinn: -Smiles- For a minute there, I was thinking you were going to say Artie.
Sam: -Looks at her- Why?
Quinn: All you can talk about is the conversation you had with him today. I mean even now when your wife is almost naked here.
Sam: Oh. Uhm, sorry I guess. It's just..
Quinn: On your mind a lot. I understand Sam. But maybe right now we can change the conversation to something else.
Sam: Like what?
Quinn: Maybe about a conversation I had today.
Sam: What would that be?
Quinn: Sit up, it is easier.
Sam: Okay. -Moves to sit up and then looks at Quinn-
Quinn: -Gets up and then smiles at him- One minute.
Sam: Okay.
Quinn: -Goes to get her laptop smiling-

Chapter 301a

After getting her laptop when Quinn comes back to bed:
Sam: -Sitting up, smiling at her-
Quinn: -Walks over to his side- I am getting on your lap okay?
Sam: Okay. -Opens the covers smiling and waits for her-
Quinn: -Gives him her laptop- Take that quick.
Sam: -Grabs her laptop and then puts it beside him on the bed-
Quinn: -Smiles as she moves onto his lap and then slips her legs in between his-
Sam: -Grabs the covers and closes them before leaning down and kissing her neck-
Quinn: -Moans- Mhmmm.
Sam: -Smiles as he grabs her neck and turns it before kissing her softly- I love you.
Quinn: I love you too.
Sam: -Smiles as he kisses her head and then grabs her laptop- Okay, so what do you need to show me?
Quinn: -Sits up a bit more and leans back against his chest- Okay, log on now and I can show you.
Sam: Or you can. -Gives it to her and rests his chin on her head-
Quinn: -Smiles as she logs onto her laptop, glad she is in Sam's arms, all comfortable-
Sam: -Scratches her arm softly and then kisses her head softly-
Quinn: -Smiles as she moves to get the e-mail- Here it is. This is the e-mail they sent me.
Sam: Okay. Lets see it.
Quinn: -Smiles at him-
Sam: -Goes to read it-

Chapter 301: E-mail from Celine

Dear Sam and Quinn,
I am glad to have heard from Mercedes and Sebastian that you have all arrived safely at home and are now adjusting to life in a wheelchair. Oh and by the way Mercedes, congratulations once again on the pregnancy! We have heard here and we are open to waiting longer for you all to come back within 1-2 years.

I know the years that I have written there are very short but unfortunately, we have talked to Caesars and we can only continue my show for 2 years. Our contract may have continued until 2019 but since they said that they are giving us the contract, they want us to be on stage in 2017 under the show "Dalton-Mckinley" instead of my show "Celine". This means all of the preparations must be completed by June of next year to have 6 months for practice, finalizations of the show and the selection of back up dancers, etc. We are sorry that you will have to come back to work so soon. We have continued planning on your behalf but we do want to have your input. I understand that you want your time but we really need you all here. Please consider returning soon. Right now, we are required to finish up because if not, our contract will be breached and we will be required to pay a lot of money in damages. So, if you could, please tell us 1. if you can return for 2017. 2. If you wish to plan from home until the end of June with e-mail contact or if you wish to come back. We will help you this time though with our private jet.

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon,

Chapter 301: Evans' Resonse

After reading the e-mail:
Sam: -Rubbing Quinn's arm as he kisses her head before leaning down to kiss her softly. He then grabs her neck and kisses her slowly- Are you really thinking we can head back to Vegas and do it? I mean, we just came back, planning to stay for a while.
Quinn: -Rubs his chest and looks at the computer- Sam, it says here we could be charged with breech of contract if we don't start planning.

Sam: The question is, can we handle moving back to Vegas again? I mean, it is different if we do it now. I am in a wheelchair making it harder.
Quinn: Uhm, maybe we should e-mail Celine.
Sam: What do you mean?
Quinn: I am not paying that much again.

Sam: -Sighs- How about we write back saying that we can plan from here for now and then when we are ready, we can go back?
Quinn: Try it out.
Sam; Okay, let me respond like this.

Thank you very much for your concern and let me say that we are very well. We have almost settled back in but maybe that is a bad idea if we are required there. What I am wondering though is if, for now, me and Quinn could plan from here through e-mail and a shared document. That would be very helpful. I could have my computer on when needed. We understand the situation you are in now and we promise to help with the planning as much as we can. But, if we are required to return to then we will need a little help. Please respond to us as soon as possible.

Sam and Quinn Fabray-Evans.

Quinn: -Smiles as she watches him press send- Listen, how about you just relax here and I will make us some supper okay?
Sam: Okay.
Quinn: -Smiles as she leans up and kisses his cheekbone sotly-
Sam: -Grabs her neck and then looks down at her, kissing her softly before letting her go- See you soon.
Quinn: -Smiles as she gets up to go make them some supper when she hears the twins- I got them.
Sam: Okay. -Smiles at her-

Chapter 302a

Meanwhile, back in Vegas:
Celine: -Gets the e-mail from Sam and Quinn- Rene, I got the response from them.
Rene: -Sitting accross from her on his laptop as well- What did they say?

Celine: -Reads the e-mail- They said that they are wondering if we can just share a document and they can plan from where they are. They want to know very soon however as they have yet to unpack.

Rene: -Looks at her- They need to be here Celine, we need to record remember?
Celine: -Sighs- I am just worried they won't want to come back yet.
Rene: Well, we do have the suite set up for them. And we have offered to come get them.
Celine: Are we going to make the show easy for Sam to participate in? I mean he has the wheelchair now.
Rene: We will have to adjust the show.
Celine: Okay. Well, for now we have to plan with them from far away so, that is going to be okay.
Rene: Maybe we should tell Will and get the entire group up to speed?
Will: -Walks into the room- Up to speed on what?
Celine: Sam and Quinn have decided to come back. But for now they have asked to plan from there.

Next Part in Story continues Here: Chapter 302b
Also, just a quick udate on the date in this story is November 9, 2015