Wednesday, May 13, 2015

New Rules Part 2

Mason: Uhm, what do you mean Sebastian?
Sebastian: -Smiles at Mason- And that is the exact question I was waiting to be asked. So here is the answer. From this day forward, you are to follow these rules or else you do not deserve to wear these blazers that are reserved for members of the New Directions.
Spencer: Can you just get to the new rules already?

Sebastian: Okay. So here they are. First and for most, I expect you all to respect your coaches and each other equally and completely. That one is easy to understand and do because it is natural. The next one though is the one that Jake just disobeyed. The rule which will keep you on the team. You have to promise us that you will follow our constitution. It is in place for a reason but when it comes to attacking your coaches, that is betrayal and it will not be tolerated. Your coaches are the ones who keep the Glee Club afloat. If you want to be here, you need to keep our respect or you will be gone. You will not deprive others of their chance to be on the team but you will deprive yourself of the chance. Now, are we all okay with this?
Students: Yes Mr. Smythe.
Sebastian: Good. Now, we have some practicing to do right? The setlist for our next competition against the Falconers should be on your tablet. This competition is really just a formality as we have already qualified for our Conference Round. Remember, each performance is do or die.

Spencer: -Looks at his friends- Ya, no pressure there. (Under his breath).
Sebastian: -Looks at Spencer- Mr. Porter, do you have something to share with the entire team?
Spencer: -Looks at his coach- Uhm, no sir.

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