Thursday, May 14, 2015

Chapter 287

After getting out of their room when Sam comes to the door:
Artie: -Looks at Quinn- Don't worry, what he is going through is definatively normaly right now. He just needs to get used to the fact that this is how he has to live now. He just has to see that he can live this way.
Quinn: I hope it works. He is really stressed out and I really need him now yet on the other hand, I know he needs me. It's just the twins.
Artie: Why don't you let me worry about the handicapped stuff and you just worry about your kids? He can get help through me.
Sam: -Rolls up next to Quinn- Maybe you can make it a team effort. -Smiles- Glad to have you here Artie.
Artie: Hey, friends first. I wasn't going to let you hurt here. We all agreed back in Vegas you needed help here and I was really the only one who could 100% offer it. At least, when it comes to the wheelchair.
Quinn: -Smiles- How about you and Artie go out for a while Sam? My mom is here and so are Mercedes and Sebastian. Go talk to Artie and just take a stroll.
Sam: I'd like that.
Artie: -Smiles as he backs up- Then lets get going.
Sam: I have my phone okay, call me in any emergency.
Quinn; Deal.
Sam: -Smiles as he moves forward, going out to suppper with Artie-
Artie: -Smiles as he and his friend leave to go hang out for a while-

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